REVIEW: SQLSaturday came to Prague

For the first time was the SQLSaturday event organised in Prague, the capital of the Czech republic. The organisation was without beginners mistakes and there were some interesting speakers. A last minute entry was Ola Hallengren, the creator of the famous maintenance scripts that I’ve seen running in many shops. His presentation was titled  ‘Building a Performance Monitoring System Using XEvents’. I was surprised to see this presentation, because this was the exact thing I have been working on for half a year, and I hardly found anything on the web on this. Olla’s has some good material for custombuild monitoring extentions. I’ll blog about it in the extended events series, and if you’re interested, Ola’s contribution can be downloaded from the SQLSaturday page here.




Food, raffles and afterparty in downtown Prague. A well organised SQLSaturday.

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